Prospective MSc and PhD students can join astronomers at the South African Astronomical Observatory to explore the universe. Details of how to apply f...

The Rising Star Project is an outreach initiative in which postgraduate students (and any other volunteers) tutor Grade 12 physics/chemistry learners ...

The South African Astronomical Observatory invites foundation phase learners, grades R-3, and intermediate phase learners, grades 4-7, to enter our As...

To celebrate the 10th anniversary of its Office for Astronomy Outreach (OAO), the International Astronomical Union (IAU) is launching a contest to nam...

Prospective MSc and PhD students can join astronomers at the South African Astronomical Observatory to explore the universe. Details of how to apply ...

A team of scientists from the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO), Michigan State University (MSU), and the University of Miami (UM) have cr...

The SAAO offers students the opportunity to work with leading researchers on cutting edge astronomy and instrumentation projects. These cover observa...

2020 marked the 200 years anniversary of the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO). As part of its celebrations, the SAAO is giving away ten R...

As part of its 200 year anniversary celebrations the SAAO invites all teachers to enter our Teaching Earth and Beyond competition. The aim is to showc...

Since the building and commissioning of the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), Sutherland has become an interesting destination among tourists w...

As part of its 200 year anniversary celebrations the South African Astronomical Observatory hereby invites all foundation phase learners, grades R t...

The SAAO offers students the opportunity to work with leading researchers on cutting edge astronomy and instrumentation projects. These cover observat...

Astronomers using the Southern African Large Telescope (SALT), have measured the rotation of some of the largest spiral galaxies, spinning at up to 57...

On the 1st of January 2019, NASA’s New Horizon’s spacecraft performed a very exciting flyby of the most distant object ever explored, 2014 MU69, n...

Stellar occultations are a powerful technique that allows characterization of foreground objects by watching them block light from a distant star. Thi...

The Southern African Large Telescope(SALT) was recently involved in the identification of a hypervelocity star, flung across the galaxy by a supernova...

Pluto is an interesting object located in the outer region of our Solar System.  Although only 2376 km in diameter, it hosts five moons and a thin at...

The Southern African Large Telescope (SALT) at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO) in Sutherland has discovered a binary star system in ...

On Friday May 25 – Africa Day 2018 – a new telescope has been inaugurated at the South African Astronomical Observatory (SAAO), near Sutherland, t...

In the past week, a milestone was reached on the WiNCam (Wide-field Nasmyth Camera) instrument. This is an imaging camera system to be mounted on the ...